Device Manage for OS/2

DevCon for OS/2 - Developer Connection

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 




Work via Internet

As you know, work over the Internet requires excessive responsibility from both sides (both employer and employee). F/X Communications has listed some of the possible reasons why a normal work flow is not always possible:

  • Developers disappearing for long periods, sometimes even without notifying the company. Examples include military service, illness, problems in the family and even jail.
  • Slow and sometimes very unreliable (dial-up) Internet access combined with constant loss of electricity (especially in ex-USSR countries).
  • A different mentality and sometimes a very different work-ethics.
  • Self-taught programmers that aren't always capable of working professionally.
  • Difficulties with managing employees, since the boss can't see what employees are actually doing.
  • Excuses about family, like the famous "sick grandmother".
  • Poor hardware situations and difficulties with sending test equipment back and forth.
  • Poor English capabilities and inability or unwillingness to document the work.
  • Lack of team-spirit, if the developers and the manager can never meet in person.
  • More...

Please, be careful with taking a job over the Internet if you expect such problems to happen (this relates to work for any company).

One might think that part of these problems can't be controlled by the developer and use that as an excuse, but real-world business doesn't care about that and such problems shouldn't be allowed to continue forever. Developers should work actively to solve such problems or it would be better to find a local job.

Advices how to success

not translated



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