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Thinkpad - the box with butter broads?!

2012-04-09 11:07:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Shop]

Look at modern ThinkPad laptops:

Here is ancient model, it seems like bento box with butter broads! (RUS) Review of ThinkPad 760E

IBM OS/2 25 years - beer and firecracker during the whole month

2012-04-09 00:22:23 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How do you value this articles?

"+" - good, "-" - trash, "!" - good point of view, alghough not pleasant to read

Russian [надо поискать]
Dutch 13) Tweakers.net, dutch
Spanish ---
Portuguese 14) OS/2 25 anos. O Sistema que foi sem nunca ter sido by Carlos Cardoso (2012/04/03)

Source of links: os2world.com, and ecomstation.com

Week of motherboards

2012-04-08 01:36:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The users have posted the reports about the latest motherboards, check the listings! This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible motherboards. Our database contains 279 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form

Does the motherboard use UEFI interface? Does ACPI driver work with the motherboard?

eComStation.RU - tons of joy

2012-04-07 14:05:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What can you find on eComStation.RU site?

  • All news related to eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp since 2001. Every message (may have) has comments so it works like local mini-forum.
  • All reviews and articles about eCS and apps since 2001.
  • Announcements of software updates - in separate APeCS database
  • Many pages are related to the history of eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp.
  • Here is additional forum forum.ecomstation.ru
  • The lists of tested hardware
  • There are many pages with software projects
  • Polls to collect the statistics
  • Additional site with video clips: eComStation.TV
  • eCo Shop - the catalogue of software (RUB)
  • Web-site for developers -- DevCon
  • eCo Shop - ThinkPad notebooks for eComStation users (RUB)
  • Frequently asked questions and answers -- FAQ

We add additional information to the sites every hour. You can stop us!

eComStation.RU - is the second site related to eComStation/OS/2 Warp (by qty of visitors). eComStation.RU - is the largest storage of knowledge about eComStation and OS/2.


What are the plans for 2012? The external view is changing, 30 sub-pages should be created.

We are ready share our success. You can publish reviews/articles on the site.

Sponsor units. If you want support the site - insert a coin into your floppy drive (look at the top left corner of the site).

Updated PM Backup Suite 0.05.01

2012-04-05 14:14:09 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Everybody knows about the importance of timely backup. You have so many files and directories.. PM Backup Suite is the only program which allows you visually select the files for backup.

It is recommended re-generate the backups.

Homepage: http://ecomstation.ru/backup

IBM OS/2 operating system 25 year anniversary - increase of interest

2012-04-05 01:35:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Here is the real true detailed history of IBM OS/2, IBM OS/2 Warp, eComStation (russian language)

There is a significant increase of visitors on OS/2 web-sites, the Internet seems full of OS/2 news:



Thinkpad in 2012

2012-04-04 03:40:31 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Shop]

eCo Software offers notebooks for eComStation users. All notebooks are equipped with SSD disks:

  • Fast -- 5x times faster
  • No overheat
  • Silent - not noise anymore


Thinkpad X300 - the best notebook for eComStation users

Read more about Thinkpad:

Time.com article '25 Years of IBM's OS/2'

2012-04-02 23:36:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE]

"25 Years of IBM's OS/2: The Strange Days and Surprising Afterlife of a Legendary Operating System

Big Blue's next-generation operating system was supposed to change everything. It didn't. But it's also never quite gone away."

Read more: http://techland.time.com/2012/04/02/25-years-of-ibms-os2-the-birth-death-and-afterlife-of-a-legendary-operating-system/

By Harry McCracken

Bill Gates with OS/2 button

How to migrate to eComStation 2.1?

2012-03-30 19:39:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The general secret - buy new hard drive. If you have free hard drive then you can immediately install the system to it. And attach your old harddrive as secondary and get data from it step by step.

What is the state of your computer after N years?

  • old eCS 1.x
  • trash on desktop, unnecessary WPS classed, trash after accidents.
  • documents in different corners of the disk
  • old versions of applications (major)
  • unnecessary dll files

What is the goal of user:

  • Install new eCS 2.1
  • Switch to new fresh hard drive / new computer
  • collect all useful data from old eCS PC
  • restore all applications which he was using in the past

eComStation March updated

2012-03-30 19:05:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

If you are going use eComStation in the next 3 years then keep your subscription active, prolong when needed and get access to all updates and the latest version.

  • The drivers for network adapters are updated: Intel e1000e, NVIDIA nveth, Realtek Gigabit PCI-Express. Download via Mensys -> Downloads -> Software Subscription.
  • ACPI driver is updated, current version: 3.20.01 (some fixes, Intel virtual machine is updated).
  • Java us updated announcement here

eComStation mix: green buds

2012-03-29 19:36:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Some news about eComStation:

  • Do you have more suggestions how to manage fax-modem? (RUS) Fax modem and eComStation
  • OS2World turns 12 - Happy Birthday http://www.os2world.com/content/view/21600/2/. The site is publishing news about software updates + the forum is always full of people
  • Evgen makes efforts to debug Apache debug MySql for SMP-computers. The programs work unstable since 90-th. The web-admins are angry as usual.
  • Do you have a bug-report regarding Uniaud? Let's collect the drafts in the forum: http://forum.ecomstation.ru/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=10853 and then post to the main bug-tracker.
  • You can exchange banners with eComStation.RU site (our index of quotation: Yabdex: 375)
  • Look here: Gill OS2 Jacket, you see it every time when searching for OS/2 word (Watch video)

Week of laser printers

2012-03-27 20:19:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible laser printers (cheap). Our database contains 305 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.

Attention! The developers of solutions are interested to know the list of unsupported devices.

What is the driver? Is it Postscript printer? Do you use CUPS driver? Do the instructions help you?

Thinkpad yellow, blue, red + reliable as Volvo

2012-03-23 21:39:39 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Shop]

ThinkPad and Volvo Comparison

If you don't have a notebook.. notebook to become your small warm friend.

Why the warranty on new Thinkpad is 3 years? Because the notebooks are more reliable than competitors, and are based on expensive components.

Learn more about Thinkpad:

of course, a car has large roll-cage

.. but Thinkpad seems reliable too


Did you know?

The first Thinkpad was introduced 20 years old. The first model of Thinkpad was implemented as tablet (700t), Later more tablets were released: 730T and more

Warpstock Europe conference - the 1-st blood

2012-03-18 03:30:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

All previous WSE conferences were organized very well. You can read the reports here: Community: conferences plus watch the interviews and presentations.

Nevertheless, some topics should be spotted. IMHO, it's necessary make some changes to WSE organization to make it function in never-ending cycle (create conditions to make it grow).


Some questions, offerings and theses:

Q-1: What is the purpose of the conference?

A-1: Present new products, exchange the knowledge.

Q-2: What is the reason to visit the conference (for users)?

A-2: Get the knowledge, make questions to the developers and specialists. Buy the apps with the discount.

Q-3: What is the reason to visit the conference (for companies / shareware developers)?

A-3: Sell software, answer to the questions of the users.

4) Every Warpstock conference should attract new people from IT world.

It's not enough to promote the event inside the community, it's necessary post the *sequence* of the announcements to large IT sites. [REQUIREMENT-4]

5) Promotion of the conference.

The promotion should start in advance, in 5 monthes.

  • Rotate banners with the faces of speakers and topics of presentation
  • Publish information about the city of the conference

6) There should be exhibition room with 20 developers / companies.

How to fill the room? a) Stimulate the developers. b) Put 20 monitors with cables.

7) It's necessary raise N topics on the conference (force the discussion),

in other words order the research / presentation preparation from some developers / specialists. One presentation may be prepared by 3-5 specialists (1 speaker + theses from the developers).

8) Promotion of the conference.

The only real method to promote the conference - make the photos, make the reports from previous conference. And remind about the results of the previous conference *before the next one*. [REQUIREMENT-8]

We offered make a wallpaper with WSE20xx logo (look at TV press-conferences) so all visitors get the photos with WSE logo at home/facebook photo album. [REQUIREMENT-8-x]

9) Invite non-eCS presenters.

There should be 2-3 presentation not related to eCS directly. [REQUIREMENT-9]

10) Discounts

What is the reason for people spend 50 EURO .. 1000 EURO to visit the conference?! It's necessary sell Software pack (10 popular apps with discount 70%), sell Thinkpad laptops with eCS pre-installed (with discount). [REQUIREMENT-10]
So the users can compensate the expenses and get profit.

11) Souvenirs.

There should be free souvenirs. More users return to the Warpstock if they have useful souvenirs at home. [REQUIREMENT-11]

Q-12: What happens if Warpstock Europe conference is dismissed?

A-12: The D-day (the conference week-end) makes the developers finish all projects in short terms, find the targets and correct the plans. The conference it's like an examination. The year may be closed if the examination (conference) was organized and the students (users) made the presentations, demonstrated the annual report. No examination - no switch to the next year.

eComStation updates

2012-03-15 03:35:57 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Several updates were released:

File Open Container

Dialog to pickup files. To get the update install eCo Software Runtime. FOC homepage, runtime homepage,

Updated USB drivers

USB stack version 10.182, Additional site about USB, Send a message about tested driver

Driver for SATA harddrives

AHCI driver 1.22, works faster.

Download from BETAZONE, for users with subscription. Post fast report

Flash player

Flash Plugin Wrapper for eComStation Beta 2, contains flash:

For users with subscription.

New application CalcPad

2012-03-13 17:58:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Developer: Improver

Homepage: eCo Works

CalcPad calculator is intended for arithmetical calculations in table form with the ability to save and use the results of previous calculations.

You can load your eCo Market account and buy pack of cheap useful application. Read more

We ask eCS developers to release the programs, don't keep in the garage. There is large difference between "self-made program" and "product for the market", you should spend more efforts. There is reason to release the program as shareware in this case. Suggestion to develop cheap applications for eCS

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