For developer:
(Пайпы программ) Companies:
(Бонусы) Advice:
(Барьеры и решения) Technologies:
(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)
New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
2009-08-28 23:37:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
More interesting news from the Internet:
2009-08-24 12:17:26 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
No more new tasks. We improved technical tasks for existing offerings.
for european developers:
Here is the list of programs which
you can improve
eCo Software is obligated to fulfil the obligations and
deliver improved shareware products. One of the methods - create additional
modules and utilities to enforce main projects.
eCo Labs is a fund to attract new developers to eComStation. We are trying
to share the income with standalone developers; stimulate the development
of new PM-controls and libraries. Moreover, we are going update the portal
for developers and enrich it with links and libraries.
2009-08-20 12:35:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
You are installing eComStation on new PC..
which utilities and applications do you lack?
What do you install during the first three days?
Let's collect eComStation 2.0 Essentials - package of small
utilities and applications, which are not included to eComStation
but should be installed on every PC.
Suggestions from users (what to include):
Essentials queue.
2009-08-17 22:21:08 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
New generation of eComStation operating system
uses ACPI sub-system.
The development of ACPI drivers continues
by the plan (it is updated every month).
The users need full functionality today. To accelerate the development
it's necessary attract the developers with rich experience.
What is ACPI (for young users)?
- Intel published ACPI 4.0 standard (June 16, 2009)
- ACPI Exec -- ACPI debugger. It allows access to a large quantity of
acpi internal state data without the need to resort to printf debuggeing.
- We are going publish FAQ for ACPI developers
- Many tickets are not processed
you can join the research of specific problems.
We invite interested developers to discuss and participate in development of ACPI:
Send us your contact information via web-form
Information for standalone developers is published in DevCon.
You can send technical questions.
2009-08-13 01:15:40 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
New files in BETAZONE:
- eSchemes 1.51 - change colors of the desktop
(gallery of screenshots,
What to test? Install the latest eCo Software runtime.
- Firewall ports setup - open/close ports of system firewall
What to test: is it comfortable to use the firewall?
- ACPI Setup - setup of ACPI (replaces Power object)
What to test: load/save settings, check the .cfg file,
Do you see visual defects on Power Panel, in Properties notebook?
(additional FAQ)
2009-08-12 18:44:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Community site
Warpstock 2009 conference is over.. the next conference - in Czech Republic (september)
New interview:
- Warpstock Europe 2009 - Interview with Event Team,
Christian Hennecke is discussing the coming conference with Ernst Martin Kirschner
We have found info from the past:
- meeting of os/2 users in St.Petersburg -- 4 November, 2000
- meeting of os/2 users in Moscow -- October, 2000
P.S. Fresh idea for conferences:
Let's write on the badges:
developer, user, investor (or use special icons),
so other visitors see what are your interests and can start dialog with you.
2009-08-04 17:23:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Warpstock 2009 will be held Friday through Sunday noon,
August 7th - 9th, at the University of New Mexico campus
in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Homepage, Agenda (on the left of the homepage)
Thursday 06-Aug
- Arrival and checkin
- Dinner
Friday 07-Aug
- Breakfast
- Warpstock 2009 opening session
- End user: Printing and eCups
- Morning break
- Networking for eCS
- PM programming
- Lunch
- Creating effective slideshow presentations using OpenOffice.org Impress
- OpenOffice.org Tips and Tricks
- Afternoon break
- Setting up development environments
- Dinner
Saturday 08-Aug
- Running Web and e-mail servers
- Breakfast
- Programming 101 ? getting started for non-programmers.
- Morning break
- Virtualization under WinXP and Linux
- Rapid Development with GPFREXX
- Lunch
- Programming 102
- Afternoon break
- Virtualization under MAC OS X
- Dinner
- Take me out to the ball game
Sunday 09-Aug
- Breakfast
- Installation and ACPI
- eComStation update
- Morning break
- eComStation round table
- Warpstock 2009 wrap-up and giveaway
- Lunch
What do you expect from the conference?
Post the questions, we are going pass the list to the reporters.
Full list of eCS and OS/2 conferences
2009-07-25 03:54:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Yohoooo! We celebrate eComStation.RU 8th birthday online.
Every news message at ecomstation.ru - it's a reply to one user (customer),
every article, every sub-site it's a reply to the questions of a group of users.
What to remember?
How the site was found? There was a small catalogue with 5 programs.
Later we analyzed BeOS sites and used the best ideas.
- We are working every day, every week. News are published
(invented / translated)
in the nights, on week-ends and delivered to the users asap.
As result, the "world of eComStation" was created,
the market was found.
- ecomstation.ru -
is one of the largest sites related to eComStation (OS/2 Warp).
Multilanguage.. Quantity of articles: ~200. Visitors per day: more than 600.
More than 1600 news messages, more than 1700 reports of hardware.
more than 1100 cards with description of applications.
More than 50 sub-sites (web-pages).
- Improve APeCS database (catalogue of software)
- Release 20 sub-sites.
5 should be releases during 2009.
- Improve the description of eComStation operating system.
Your participation:
- Distribute references to ecomstation.ru among other PC/software sites
- We can host the homepage of your project on ecomstation.ru
We forgot to invite clowns, pay for beer and salute.
Let's make some useful work:
share your opinion "Why do you use eComStation?
What are the advantages of eComStation?"
(don't forget, it's 2009 now)
Post your minds in the comments of this message.
Contact web-master
2009-07-24 02:15:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2world.com, Mensys]
We (mensys) have a second build from the developer and its working better.
The text rendering that Flash 10 has some additions for is working now.
More tests are needed.
A large chunk of work has gone into updating the ODIN code.
Current build works reasonable with Firefox 3.x but not with
Firefox 2.x from current testing. We are still working to make
it more stable. From time to time it crashes the browser.
2009-07-23 15:45:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
We continue the debugging of JFS.IFS,
long format should work faster now (/L switch)
2009-07-22 23:11:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Attention! We remind to the users of eComStation/Rus 1.2.5
one more time: Install critical update for JFS filesystem driver.
Else the volume with bootable JFS may stop to boot and you
spend time to reanimation.
In the beginning of 2007 there was an announcement:
"eComStation developers and Willibald Meyer
fixed bug in Bootable JFS: "JFS booter is
reading files located above 4 Gb not properly",
please download updated UJFS.DLL from eComStation beta-zone."
(eComStation 2.0 beta versions include this update)
List of updates in BETAZONE
2009-07-21 02:26:45 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
You can implement some projects planned by eCo Labs.
New tasks for russian developers
(for example, make small utility for DVD Toys,
create null-image of burned CD and use it later when searching a file)
Here is the list of programs which
you can improve
eCo Software is obligated to fulfil the obligations and
deliver improved shareware products. One of the methods - create additional
modules and utilities to enforce main projects.
eCo Labs is a fund to attract new developers to eComStation. We are trying
to share the income with standalone developers; stimulate the development
of new PM-controls and libraries. Moreover, we are going update the portal
for developers and enrich it with links and libraries.
2009-07-21 02:24:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The school year is over, the students can share
home work programs, utilities and lab-works with other students.
Let's collect all this materials at the homepage
of students and engineers.
You can select the tasks for the next year,
continue the development of math programs (Solver), 3D-viewers, etc.
- new section related to 3D
- searching programs with implemented AI algorithms (compiled for eComStation)
2009-07-21 02:23:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The next week is dedicated to collection of reports about supported modern notebooks (Sony, ASUS, Dell, Toshiba, HP, ..)
Our database contains 291 records only.
Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.
Post new reports using the web-form.
Version of ACPI driver (switches, BIOS setup changes), etc.
eComStation PC homepage
2009-07-19 01:28:13 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Best-sellers of eCo Shop:
- Subscription to eComStation - access to the OS updates
- eComStation FAQ book - The brochure with questions and answers about eComStation
(russian language) // english version is available from Mensys
Added new products to eCo Shop
- DiskPatch - DOS-utility
- SpinRite - DOS-utility
Changed prices:
- NetOp Remote Control price was increased significantly
Updated products (APeCS):
- Weasel, FTP Server
- DVD Toys
- Sunny icons
- Dr.Web is updated every day
2009-07-14 02:44:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The next week is dedicated to collection of info about
compatible/non-compatible Network Access Storage devices (NAS).
Which model supports EA?
Our database contains 18
records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.
Post new reports using the web-form.
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IBM OS/2 Warp