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General Network Utilities for professionals

2007-05-27 19:52:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Here is the short gallery of GNU screenshots. (Pay attention to functionality, not bitmaps)

Homepage of GNU

Select the most interesting presentation

2007-05-20 18:08:38 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software developers are going participate in the DWS2007 conference (Developers Workshop 2007, 7 & 8 July Amsterdam, The Netherlands) We must share our knowledge with other developers.

We prepared some presentations but can't share all our experience because no free slots. Please vote, which one is the most important for you and your business?

  • How to create popular software products for eComStation -- 100 tricks and tips; how to select project, what do users need, how to organize work; how to collaborate with other developers. how to survive on eCS market
  • eComStation User Interface -- Advantages and disadvantages; new control elements; libraries and templates; The future of eComStation UI
  • Perspectives of eComStation -- The list of applications which should be created or extended. plugins, node applications, must-have utilities and applications which may attract thousands of users and developers
  • Future project: eComStation Software Catalogue. Application to receive announcements about eCS software, to download, to rate and to install it. The purpose is accelerate the delivery of software to users
  • New eComStation 2.0 API interfaces. Future project: eComStation Toolkit and DDK

(Don't forget input anti-spam 6-digits CODE: below the list of answers)

Piano Launchpad - for business and home

2007-05-12 01:24:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Piano Launchpad is useful for companies and individual users. Visit homepage, Join forum


  • Improved dynamic drawers
  • Custom size of icons on the launchpad
  • Printers and disks have PNG icons too
  • More icons for popular applications
  • better backup/restore scripts (for upgrade to new version of Piano)

Piano Launchpad Screenshot

Piano Launchpad is developed by precise plan. We are going implement:

  • utility to attach PNG icon to a file
  • perform interpolation of resized icons (if your version of OS doesn't provide this)
  • share a library to load PNG icons for thirdparty developers
  • add more options, more actions
  • Improve help, write review

Send us bug-reports and suggestions today. We should complete the project in 2 monthes.

VOICE Newsletter 5/2007 available

2007-05-07 18:14:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The May edition of the VOICE Newsletter is now available online.

In the latest issue you find:

  • Incommunicado -- Christian Hennecke asks Serenity Systems publish roadmaps and plans
  • Tales from mascot kingdom -An approach in determination of an eCS mascot -- Thomas Klein knows which mascot is good for eComStation and OS/2
  • Data Exchange Between Mobile Phones and OS/2 Machines -- Ralph Hanses is testing Sony-Ericsson K750i and K800i, O2 PDA PM300
  • Using Theseus to Study Memory Usage Under OS/2 -Part 2 -- Sjoerd Visser talks how to detect memory leaks
  • GigaBit LAN -or How I supercharged my network -- Keith Merrington writes how to setup the network
  • BitTorrent and OS/2 -Part 2 -- Alex Taylor talks about BitTorrent-clients
  • Driving into the future? -- Christian Hennecke criticises Panorama VESA video driver
  • And of course letters, addenda, and tips!

Stewed fruit of eComStation news

2007-05-07 16:43:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We collected misc news from eComStation sites:

  • Paul Smedley updated ports of flash-player GNASH, MySQL Community Server, BIND, Perl, Samba server and client, cURL, sTunnel. Read more..
  • OS2World site goes to new engine, new design. It's good that our sites are refreshed: more users switch to eComStation if read good and well-designed sites. We recommend to standalone users and developers create blogs, like this one: http://eros2-dev.blogspot.com
  • Uniaud audio driver can't be extended or improved immediately. It's necessary start the project from the beginning. Three developers are working on Uniaud. Current goals: sync source code with ALSA, load driver for one chipset, not all chipsets, create homepage for the project and inform users about supported adapters.
  • Peter Koller updated sane2twain, which allows use USB-scanners from PMView or Maul Publisher.
  • eCo Labs projects offers to russian developers select the sequences of tasks. A developer can lock all tasks related to PM controls only, WPS applications only or device drivers only.
  • We updated Panorama VESA FAQ (34 questions)
  • Maybe you missed this link in the past, IBM recommends look at eComStation
  • To watch movies we recommend KMP player You can watch movies even on modern adapter ATI Mobility Radeon X2300 if using super-fast Panorama VESA videodriver
  • Before installation of ACPI.PSD 2.2x, check your system kernel (bldlevel x:\OS2KRNL). You should use kernel 14.104. Download the kernel from eComStation betazone.

eCo Software newsletter, 200704

2007-05-02 15:12:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [eCo Software, news]

In the beginning of the spring we updated: ACPI subsystem, eComStation kernel, USB Tools homepage, Hardware database, General Network Utilities, PMDownloader, eSchemes gallery, Panorama video drivers, Piano Launchpad & Imagination, Calculator for millionaire, Firewall ports setup, LANGE library.

Why have died OS/2 in 1997? Because companies have withdrawn the money from OS/2 market.
Why eComStation is growing fast today? Because companies and users are investing the money and efforts into creation of native software and drivers.

1. ACPI drivers (Download from BETAZONE)

  • Follow this roadmap if installing multiprocessor support: a) disable audio, networking, usb, etc. b) run in PIC or APIC mode, c) activate drivers and devices one by one.
  • Collaboration with developers of Intel Corporation allows improve ACPI support for eComStation
  • ACPI.PSD 2.20 -- uses the latest Intel source code. Better support of embedded controller, mutexes to allow active usage of ACPI. Brings new functions for developers of device drivers.
  • This version is recommended for owners of Thinkpad T40 (with latest BIOS), owners of computers with bad ACPI tables. Test /EIS switch. If PC hangs then try SMP kernel (stack is larger if running SMP kernel)
  • New APM.ADD 1.12 (requires ACPI 2.20),
  • New ACPI snooper (requires ACPI 2.20), You need it if running Core 2 Duo in APIC mode or to solve IRQ conflicts
  • If ACPI 2.20 doesn't boot then wait for update (should be released in May 2007)

Some ACPI utilities are updated

2. Workplace shell extenders

  • Personal Cards Manager -- improved NLS support
  • eSchemes -- internal beta-version is released
  • eSchemes gallery updated
  • eSchemes Deluxe - our effort to improve navigation by eComStation Desktop. Whatsnew: PDF preview for files touched by Lucide viewer; You can feel the advantages from this extension if using Lucide and D during 1-2 monthes.

    We have spent many efforts to improve the installation procedure of eSchemes Deluxe. There are so many versions of OS/2 and eComStation.. so many different configurations. To compensate your patience, we created Piano Launchpad. This Launchpad is useful even if you have eCenter on the Desktop. Piano Launchpad brings large icons to Desktop, has auto-hide feature.

    Screenshot: Piano Launchpad
    • Backup/restore - to update or duplicate the Launchpad.
    • Disable frames, reduce intervals
    • New icons for OS/2 desktop (simple, non vulgar)

3. Video drivers

eComStation community was near to catastrophe. Any critical situation makes us search for alternative ways. We released two video drivers:

  • Panorama ATI R200 - for ATI Radeon 7000 - 9250 adapters (2D acceleration, color hardware cursor, etC)
  • Panorama VESA (BETAZONE) - super fast universal video driver. It is useful for owners of modern videoadapters: ATI X1950, Intel X3000 and NVidia. Works fine on Multi core notebooks and desktops.
  • Panorama widescreen activators - Robert Lalla is working on widescreen activators for adapters with ATOM BIOS, Intel adapters.

Homepage of Panorama drivers, Join the forum to discuss Panorama VESA

4. Keyboards, remote controls

Central Remote Control gathers events from TV remote controls, notebook buttons, USB-keyboard multimedia buttons and translates them to commands for multimedia applications CRC release is delayed again. Waiting for more interested users.

Bonus application "Calculator for millionaire". Why switch to CalcMi?

  • CalcMi allows you to enter mathematical formulas and see the result on-the-fly.
  • Drop Arial 14 font, press F1 to see the list of supported functions

5. Toolkits for developers

  • LANGE library for multilanguage support (useful for creation of small native eComStation applications). Contact us of you are going use it.
  • Internal alpha 2 of SOM Compiler Pascal Emitter
  • EmitLnk - support of Watcom Linker in SOM Compiler (it is aimed to generate LNK files, like IBM DEF)

6. Disk utilities

Download ALVM, Sometimes it is useful to recreate partitions on flash disks (if LVM shows MsgBox with errors)

7. Internet utilities:

  • PMDownloader 1.02 -- You need it to put your downloads in order. Whatsnew:
    • Fixed semaphore leak, which may cause PM Downloader hang on intensive use.
    • Added option to limit number of simultaneous downloads from same host.
    • Fixed - download fails when downloading file from root dir on IBM FTPD/2.
    • Fixed crash on PM Downloader close while 'view history' window opened.
    • Flush file buffers to disk every 10 minutes.
  • General network utilities were updated. The developer is investing time into functionality improvement. Updated utilities: IPinfo, ARPscan. Do you need more LAN tools? Send us your suggestions.
  • Traffic Visor III -- This program is intended to analyze IP-traffic in the LAN/WAN using flexible mechanism to count IP-packets by interfaces, sender/receiver addresses, TCP/UDP ports, ICMP-services, etc
  • Firewall ports setup (BETAZONE) allows you to protect the PC against infectious Windows

8. eComStation kernel

Please join the testing of new eComStation kernel (BETAZONE). You need it:

  • to minimize power consumption on multicore CPU
  • if coolers are loud
  • Prolong life of your notebook batteries (+ 30 minutes or more)

9. USB applications

We updated the list of existing drivers and applications which control USB hardware

USB Dock updated (BETAZONE)

  • If device doesn't have picture then it's unknown. The program asks users send logs.
  • More devices in database

N e w! You can integrate APC UPS (USB) to eComStation power system. Run APC UPS deamon and watch energy level via Battery widget. Your desktop with UPS is working like notebook!! URL: eComStation betazone

We recommend don't touch USB Audio adapters. All resources should be concentrated on HDAudio implementation, USB audio adapters is a fake goal.

10. eCo Software support service

  • The hardware database contains more than 1145 reports of supported hardware. You can post new reports or add notes to published. Now gathering reports about supported Color Laser Printers
  • If you have spent much time searching for PPD files (PostScript Printer Description files) then share your collection with PPD Stack
  • eComStation FAQ (russian language) is updated. New answers related to Development, Networking.

11. Additional information:

New offerings in eCo Labs

2007-04-30 17:41:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

There are more offerings for russian developers. We ordered development of some drivers, WPS-applications and PM controls. eCo Labs fund differs from other organizations and funds because thirdparty developers are working in conjuction with eCo Software developers.

New files in eComStation beta-zone

2007-04-22 14:08:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We recommend update drivers and applications:

  • ACPI drivers (ACPI.PSD, APM.ADD, ACPI snooper, etc) -- ACPI stores full detailed information about the computer in one place and simplifies development of OS and drivers
  • Clock tools -- A new utility for configuring Internet-based time/date synchronization under eCS.
  • Firewall ports setup -- protect your PC from Windows infection
  • Panorama VESA video driver -- Useful for owners of modern videoadapters: ATI X1600, Intel X3000 and NVidia. No need in 2D-accelerated drivers anymore..
  • USB Dock -- use it to check attached USB devices, or when setting up USB drivers
  • InstPDR (Selective Install Tools section) -- is a GUI tool for installing new printer drivers. Includes a graphical frontend for importing PPD files. (Let's collect Description of poscript printers at PDD stack web-page

Read more about Software Subscription Services

New fast VESA video driver for eComStation

2007-04-20 01:37:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software and Mensys BV have reached an agreement to create a generic VESA driver for eComStation.

This driver is called "Panorama VESA", and supports all VESA 2.0 compatible video adapters, which then can be used with the eComStation operating system. Until now some modern chipsetswere not properly supported by the Scitech SNAP driver that is included with eComStation.

The driver is currently under active development. The goal is to achieve maximum performance, support multi-core computers, allow users to work normally with their web-browser, watch DVD and to generally use their PC for everyday work.

How to obtain this driver
An early preview of this driver is available via the eComStation BetaZone to customers who have an active Software Subscription Services.

Panorama VESA may be installed over GENGRAD, SDDGRAD or SNAP. To get maximum performance on a Core 2 Duo or AMD X2 based computer, the ACPI subsystem should be installed. ACPI can be obtained seperately from the eComStation BetaZone but is also an install option with eComStation 2.0 (beta 2 and higher).

More information
Homepage of the Panorama video drivers
Software Subscription Services

About Mensys BV
Mensys started out in 1993 with filling the gap that IBM left open with regard to OS/2 software. Developers had great difficulty making their OS/2 product visible on the market. Mensys started to contact OS/2 resellers and distributors worldwide and built an extensive distribution network. Mensys has obtained worldwide distribution rights to eComStation and is actively supporting it's further development.

About eCo Software
eCo Software is a small group of professional developers creating drivers, WPS applications and system utilities for eComStation.

eSchemes Deluxe + Piano Launchpad

2007-04-14 18:31:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eSchemes Deluxe is updated (includes extensions for WorkPlace shell: Imagination + Piano Launchpad)

What is new?

Improved procedure of Imagination installation. Imagination brings to your dekstop preview window for images and PDF-files (touched by Lucide)

We are interested to know, preview for which kinds of data do you need in Imagintation?

eComStation is used in medium/large companies. To compete with other platforms, we should create several tools and applications for corporative customers. First of all, we started the development of Piano Launchpad (replacement of old IBM Launchpad)

eCenter pushed IBM Launchpad out from eComStation desktop many years ago. To return the Launchpad, we added special features. To use Piano Launchpad, keep in mind: launchpad is an addon for eCenter. After installation change properties [x] Auto-hide.

Which objects and programs to collect at Launchpad? (and release place at the desktop)

  • Put Firefox, Thunderbird to Launchpad to start the day with good news
  • FileCommander and other file shells, i.e. utils which are started several times per day.
  • OpenOffice, Lotus SmartSuite folders
  • Personal Cards Manager address book
  • Calculator for millionaire - you need it immediately
  • We recommend move all multimedia applications to Central Remote Control menu. But you can collect the multimedia applications in a folder on Launchpad.

We are interested to know, large icons for which popular applications should be drawed?

eSchemes Deluxe is shareware. Other products of eCo Software

eComStation PC

2007-04-13 01:07:25 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

The only way to attract new users to eComStation - start sellings of eComStation PC. Only experienced user is able install eComStation on Core 2 Duo PC or notebook. If you have resources, please join this mission and become eComStation reseller.

Here is the list of eComStation distributors, resellers and distributors of computers with eComStation pre-installed: official list, alternative list

What is eComStation PC? eComStation PC is a desktop/notebook with a non-standard case, with eComStation case badge, with eComStation pre-installed.

Why eComStation PC still doesn't exist? not popular?

  • (OK, some distributors are selling PC with eComStation pre-installed, nevertheless..)
  • It's impossible open eComStation shop in every city. Users are living in different countries, different cities and districts. The size of eComStation community is not large. Users are going to the nearest computer shop and purchase hardware there.
  • The users always need specific hardware (manufactured by different companies, new fresh hardware). It's impossible make them purchase old tested hardware only.
  • Conclusion: it's impossible make users purchase eCS PC from eCS resellers only. That's why eComStation resellers are not able offer 2 or 3 models of eComStation PC.

Why eComStation PC is so important?

  • User economizes time. All drivers and software is pre-installed. No troubles with LVM or ACPI.
  • Resellers will order service software, other special software from developers
  • User economizes money. PC + software is cheaper than separate components
  • It's very difficult make novice users purchase CD with eComStation. But it's easy sell then eComStation PC.

How to support eComStation resellers and make them promote eComStation PC?

  • Support your local reseller. Buy hardware and software from the reseller again. Order a barebone or notebook from the reseller.
  • Promote your local reseller if he served you without problems in your local user group, forums.
  • Request system tools from the reseller

GenMAC-sponsoring - Thanks a lot!

2007-04-12 10:44:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [OS2VOICE, Thorolf Godawa]

What a great community, we reached the goal getting enough money to sponsor a ThinkPad T60 for the GenMAC-development in about one week!

Thanks a lot to everybody who donated! Yesterday I also received the donations that have been done via Mensys (thanks a lot to Joachim for his help) and in total we now have more than 1700 EUR :-))))

So today I will look for a laptop and a port replicator and will inform you about the actual status on http://www.os2.org !

Unfortunately some donors are "missing", I have more money than people who answered me how much they donated via Mensys (or s.b. donated more than he wrote me?).

So please, if you did NOT got an e-mail with a donation-number write me an e-mail with the order overview/confirmation from Mensys!

Thanks again for your great support,

Alternative video drivers for eComStation

2007-04-11 16:25:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Do you need new accelerated video drivers for eComStation?

eCo Software expected the problems with video drivers so the specialists started the research of video drivers in 2005. We made good analysis of video adapters market but started the development of drivers for other family of devices. We made many mistakes (not enough resources, very complex goals) but we made an attempt.

We presented Panorama video driver at Warpstock Europe 2005 conference (Dresden, Germany).

Currently we have implemented support for ATI Radeon R100 and R200 families only: ATI Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500, Mobility Radeon 7000, 7500, ATI Radeon 8500, 8500DV, 8500LE, 9000, 9100, 9100IGP, 9200, 9200SE, 9250, Mobility Radeon 9000, 9200, 9250

Panorama R200 offers 2D acceleration, other features. Please visit the homepage of Panorama R200 video driver, join Panorama forum

What is the next step? How to run eComStation on modern video adapters? eComStation users do not agree purchase one model of eComStation PC. Every user purchases different set of hardware. How to break the "video drivers" barrier?

eCo Software is the largest developer of software and drivers for eComStation today.

Misc eComStation news

2007-04-06 01:45:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

News of the last week:

Calling to Internet via GPRS

2007-04-05 16:34:57 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

GPRS is very popular today, here is one more overview how to setup Internet dialer for GPRS (russian text)

New eCo Labs offerings

2007-03-26 01:26:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

There are more offerings for russian developers. We ordered development of some drivers, WPS-applications and PM controls. eCo Labs fund differs from other organizations and funds because thirdparty developers are working in conjuction with eCo Software developers.

We removed some tasks from the queue because no need in this projects:

  • WPS Todos (WPS folder which shows all objects from Desktop) -- no use in such toy
  • Small web-server to publish photos -- no reason because eComStation includes Web/2 web-server already
  • USB Audio adapters -- all resources should be concentrated on Uniaud development
  • DART2UNIAUD (make DART interface work via Uniaud API) -- all resources should be concentrated on Uniaud development

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