For developer:
(Пайпы программ) Companies:
(Бонусы) Advice:
(Барьеры и решения) Technologies:
(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)
New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
2008-09-20 23:23:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The next week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible digital cameras. Our database contains 102 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore. Post new reports using the web-form.
Please, post information about protocol (PTP, USBMSD), basic features (megapixel, zoom), format (JPG, RAW)
2008-09-20 23:09:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The engineers of eCo Software prepared new materials for the software developers.
Developer Connection site
- eCo Software runtime,
eCo Software Toolkit is updated
(new libraries, updated h/lib/samples)
- Multilanguage library Lange: LANGE FAQ is published
- Graphics libraries: Links/description of WO!, Dive, SDL
- Review of databases is updated.
- Device drivers: memory mapping (physical to linear)
- New module: eSysInfo -- query system information
- information about Unicode
- The experience shows, start short-term eCS projects
(1-3 monthes), don't plan long-term projects (1/2 - 1 year).
- So.. How to create large program? Use modules and libraries,
use black boxes (algoritms) from linux.
Pay attention to Additional control elements
(use templates, new controls as LEGO-like bricks to create
new applications in 1 day)
What to develop? Users need:
2008-09-16 18:58:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
There is an activity in the Internet:
- Large site www.computerra.ru published an interview with Yuri Prokushev - OS/2: between past and future (russian text) (two pages)
- Pavel Shtemenko talks how to install eComStation, Windows XP, FreeBSD and Linux to one harddisk: here (russian text)
- PMView/Rus is updated, www.pmview.com
- Weasel email server, 1.78 is updated
- Watch the movie about Medion Akoya netbook, with running eComStation: YouTube, wmv
- News from www.os2.jp -- Paul Smedley is making efforts to build gcc 3.4.6 compiler for eComStation, discussion. It is important for Mozilla today and should help to port new software in the future.
2008-09-16 17:29:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
eCo Software is interested to create full list of shareware products for eComStation.
New products in Mensys shop:
- SearchPlus -- Simultaneously search multiple drives!
Including searching within Zip Achieves Copy, execute, delete, open files found.
- eComStation FAQ brochure -- The eComStation Frequently Asked Questions Book contains 233 pages of valuable information for any eComStation user.
There are two famous internet shops:
Send us links to eComStation shareware/commercial
products which are not published in this catalogues.
Moreover, the developers of every shareware program should check if his
program is mentioned on this page
2008-09-15 19:12:35 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Do you sense the comfort when working on eComStation PC? If no then
install additional smart widgets to eCenter panel!
NeoWPS widgets (in the bottom of the web-page)
- Beer Battery widget -- battery widget for notebooks and servers with UPS. Shows battery level, time remaining.
- Master Name widget -- it is useful for those who like to make screenshots of the desktop and keep the signature.
- Reactor Temperature widget -- If your eComStation PC is used in a bedroom or dusty office then you should control the temperature of CPU (it is proportional to the dust level).
New widgets:
- Firewall widget
- POP3 Mail Checker Widget
How to post bug-reports? Read in the bottom of the widgets homepage.
2008-09-15 17:35:15 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
eComStation 2.0 is under construction,
you can feel the power of new version today if install a release-candidate.
Which features to implement in eComStation 2.1? Share your ideas:
- Perfect eComStation
(users need recovery means, fast boot, installer improvements, support of hardware, better USB support, better multimedia, system files protection, etc)
- I need new applications
(users need internet phones, editors, catalogues, ODBC, vocabularies, etc)
Users need more software:
2008-09-13 20:49:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
eComStation may attract new users if it's commercially successful.
OS/2 (eComStation) is alive while people are using and improving the system. The developers of solutions ensure long life for our operating system because computers with OS/2 make money for their customers year by year. The developers bring new industrial technologies to OS/2, feed support service, fill OS/2 with unique features to keep the solutions competitive.
What's new:
- fresh information about Railroads
- added link to Co-StandbyServer
- more information about Stereolitography
Why should you write the story today?
- You should do this to protect your investments made into OS/2 platform.
- OS/2 users are located in different countries and cities. They will read the story because of OS/2 word :) And spread the information about your company and products among own colleagues.
- The developer of the operating system will get information about your requirements and improve OS to satisfy them.
- Your story gives stimulus to thousands of users, developers and companies.
- It's easy. Solution story is based on usual product flyer.
Where to collect solutions? www.ecomstation.ru site is hosting Solutions list since 2002. Yyou can publish german, dutch, english texts there.
How to write Solutions story? Take the flyer of your product, add Introduction, add one-two paragraphs about advantages of OS/2 usage, add 2 advertisement photos/screenshots, 2 screenshots of back-end demonstating usage of OS/2.
Use the web-form to send your contact information
Welcome to homepage of solutions!
2008-09-12 02:42:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Help us collect information about supported: Analog to Digital devices (Serial port, USB), USB thermometers, input/output boards, etc
Your colleagues are interested to know where to download the driver or control program.
The database contains more than 1500 reports of hardware supported by eComStation. Add new reports or comment reports posted by other users.
2008-08-21 00:19:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [http://ru2.halfos.ru/]
OS2 Fund and Igor Vaskov released new version of WebMail/2,
OS2 Fund homepage (Download page)
WebMail/2 - Open Source project aimed to implement Web-interface
to POP3 and SMTP servers, it is based on rexx as cgi and server side.
It is used to read mail and send messages.
WebMail/2 opens Web-interface to any POP3 server, even on remote PC.
System requirements: Apache or Web/2.
2008-08-17 18:51:05 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
Homepage of the community
What's new:
- Warpstock 2008 photos
- We have found more interviews
- We found new conference from the past: Warp Expo West (1999)
- Join irc-channel to chat with other eComStation advanced users and developers (openchat)
Help us find more facts from the past
(interviews, reports about conferences, user groups)
2008-08-06 23:28:00 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The web-site
eComStation Myths is updated
(the 1-st page is aimed at interested guests, the 2-nd is for
eComStation and OS/2 Warp users which have doubts)
2008-07-30 02:55:03 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]
The development of eComStation 2.0 required more efforts,
we ask all russian speaking users join the testing,
test compatibility of applications and hardware with new version of OS.
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IBM OS/2 Warp